Published something interesting?
If you have published a book on a subject of potential interest to ACIS members in the course of the past year, we invite you to take the opportunity to use our web pages to publicise it. Please send details to Susana Rocha Relvas using the online form. Books recently published by ACIS members are below the form.
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Books recently published by ACIS members.

Netflix' Spain, Critical Perspectives
Jorge González del Pozo & Xosé Pereira Boán (eds)
The edited collection, Netflix’ Spain, Critical Perspectives, analyses the tensions, contradictions, contributions, and new horizons generated and/or imposed by Netflix within Spain’s audiovisual culture.
This book provides invaluable insight into how Netflix – first in its role as distributor and then as content creator – has changed the audiovisual landscape in Spain. It discusses how Netflix both challenges the traditional method of categorizing film and television output by nationality, while also examining how Spain is presented to other countries through the Netflix catalogue and questioning what its chosen output – light comedies, mystery/thrillers, narco-fiction, and crime – means for Spain’s national brand. With chapters addressing themes such as reproducibility, pan-Europeanism after Brexit, gender representation, identity, and globalization, this book explores how – under the influence of Netflix – Spain is transitioning from an importer of audiovisual content to a center of export.
This book will appeal to students and scholars of Film and Media Studies, Hispanic and Iberian Studies, and Spanish with a specific interest in Spanish film, television, media, and culture, and global media industries.
ISBN: 9781032557373
Routledge, 2023

As Actualizações dos Romances de Eça de Queirós para o Pequeno Ecrã
Filomena Antunes Sobral
O corpus principal desta proposta editorial foca-se na análise da adaptação atualizada de dois romances canónicos do consagrado escritor português Eça de Queirós para a televisão generalista nacional, pública e privada, nos produtos ficcionais telenovela e minissérie. É um estudo que relaciona importantes conceitos como adaptação, atualização, romances canónicos, autor clássico, televisão, ficção, telenovela, minissérie e identidade cultural com vista a sugerir uma interpretação possível de duas unidades dramáticas televisuais recriadas a partir de Os Maias (1988) e de O Crime do Padre Amaro (1880).
Obra vencedora da Edição de 2016 do Prémio Literário Fundação Eça de Queiroz

Encounters with Jazz on Television in Cold War Era Portugal 1954–1974
By Pedro Cravinho
Encounters with Jazz on Television in Cold War Era Portugal: 1954–1974 is the first long-form study of jazz on television in a single country resulting from several years of fieldwork and archival research conducted in different music and media archives in Portugal, Belgium, Norway, Finland, Spain and the United Kingdom. It explores the relationship between jazz and television by investigating the experiences of performers and producers in one of the last European colonial states (Portugal) during a period of political and social repression and global isolation. This model of systemic analysis reveals a paradoxical interrelationship between state-controlled television and international media industries, highlighting the space where these two forces collide and locating television jazz production within an important cultural milieu with a lasting impact on Portuguese society.
In exploring the connections between these national and international jazz scenes, Encounters with Jazz on Television in Cold War Era Portugal addresses opportunities for an in-depth comparison of the Portuguese experience with other countries, situating Cold War-era Portuguese television jazz broadcasting as part of a bigger, still unwritten story.
ISBN 9780367489045
Routledge, 2022

Dramaturgues catalanes: Ètiques i estètiques
By Isabel Marcillas-Piquer
Dramaturgues catalanes. Ètiques i estètiques reivindica l’escriptura dramàtica d’autora en català. Els diversos capítols que conformen el volum aborden, a banda d’una aproximació de caire historicista, algunes de les temàtiques en auge que les dramaturgues actuals –Alejo, Aymar, Barceló, Cedó, Cunillé, de Cos, Pardo, Sarrias, Szpunberg, Tornero o Vizcarro entre d’altres– plantegen en les seves obres. Així, s’hi desenvolupen aspectes transversals referits al tractament de l’humor, a la memòria democràtica o a les dificultats derivades de l’embaràs o de ser mare o no ser-ho, per exemple. Finalment, el llibre aporta un epíleg que recull les opinions de dotze dramaturgues, referides a l’evolució i la inserció de la dona en l’àmbit teatral català.
ISBN: 9783631893630
Peter Lang, 2022

Memory, Transition, and Transnationalism in Iberia
Eds. Mark Gant, Susana Rocha Relvas and Siân Edwards
This volume brings together a wide range of innovative research across the diverse field of Iberian Studies. It will be of interest to academic staff and research students, and will also provide a resource for undergraduate projects and for all those wishing to deepen their knowledge of the Iberian countries and their relationships with other parts of the world. The collection includes cutting-edge work in the fields of memory politics and historical revisionism, peninsular dictatorships, the Spanish Civil War, the Francoist legacy and transition to democracy, and colonial and postcolonial transnational exchanges between Iberia and other continents on a global scale. Within these core themes, pressing topics such as migrations, resistance, memory, exile and trauma, violence, sexuality and feminism, and their literary and artistic representations form the core of the volume. The 16 chapters are written by established and early career researchers from Brazil, India, Ireland, Hungary, Portugal, Spain, the UK, and the USA.
ISBN: 1-5275-9436-X

El joven Joaquín Costa: Filosofía, cultura y educación (1864-1881)
By Manuel López Forjas
Este libro reconstruye la biografía intelectual del joven Joaquín Costa, desde sus primeros escritos hasta convertirse en orador público en congresos y mítines. Se destaca su formación de carácter ecléctico y autodidacta, aunque también se da cuenta de su aprendizaje académico. A partir de un corpus de textos editados y manuscritos, ordenados para su estudio de acuerdo con su devenir intelectual y el contexto en que los escribió, se hace hincapié en la relación de Costa con la filosofía como medio de supervivencia a lo largo de su complicada vida, condicionada por la pobreza y la segregación social que sufría el campesinado español durante el siglo XIX, y se exponen sus reflexiones sobre la educación, la política, la cuestión social, la historia universal y la historia de España, las identidades regionales y el debate sobre el rol social de la mujer, así como su crítica al colonialismo español, que muestra el sentido humanista y cosmopolita de su pensamiento filosófico.
ISBN: 978-84-8127-323-6

Iberian Interfaces: Literary and Cultural Relations Between Spain and Portugal, 1870-1930
By Antonio Sáez Delgado & Santiago Pérez Isasi
Eleanor Staniforth (Translator)
This book explores a key historical moment for literary and cultural relations between Spain and Portugal. Focusing on the period between 1870 and 1930, it analyses the contacts between Portuguese and Spanish writers and artists of this period, showing that, at least among the cultural elites, there were intense and fruitful dialogues across political and linguistic borders. The book presents the Iberian Peninsula as a complex and multilingual cultural polysystem in which diverse literary cultures coexist and are mutually dependent upon each other. It offers a panoramic view of Iberian literary and cultural history, encompassing not just Portuguese and Spanish literary productions, but also Catalan, Galician and Basque works. Combining a clear theoretical foundation with deep historical knowledge and references to specific texts and works, the book offers a thorough introduction to Iberian literature in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century.
ISBN: 9783030917517
ISBN-10: 3030917517
Publisher: Palgrave MacMillan

Quim Monzó and Contemporary Catalan Culture (1975–2018) Cultural Normalization, Postmodernism and National Politics. Guillem Colom-Montero
Guillem Colom-Montero
Quim Monzó (born Barcelona, 1952) is considered Catalonia’s most influential contemporary author, his work studied as a catalyst for the modernization of Catalan culture after General Franco’s death in 1975. Analysing Quim Monzó’s trajectory from countercultural artist in 1970s Barcelona to celebrity intellectual in the present day, Colom-Montero argues that Monzó’s work encapsulates many of the cultural, aesthetic and political tensions in post-Francoist Catalonia. Offering first-time English-language analyses of Monzó’s multifaceted artistic trajectory (including political cartoons, translations, journalistic writing, media collaborations and social media persona) as well as new close readings of some of his better-known literary texts, Colom-Montero maps the paradigmatic cultural shifts that have characterized the transition from late Francoist to autonomous and post-referendum Catalonia. At a time of deepening divisions between Catalonia and Spain, in this book Monzó emerges as an author and public intellectual aiming to build a Catalan politico-cultural sphere different from and opposed to that of Spain.
Guillem Colom-Montero is a Lecturer in Spanish at the University of Glasgow.
Legenda, 2021

Iberian and Translation Studies. Literary contact zones. (Eds.) Esther Gimeno Ugalde, Marta Pacheco Pinto, Ângela Fernandes
Iberian and Translation Studies. Literary Contact Zone (Liverpool UP 2021) offers fertile reflection on the dynamics of linguistic diversity and multifaceted literary translation flows taking place across the Iberian Peninsula. Drawing on cutting-edge theoretical perspectives and on a historically diverse body of case studies, the volume’s sixteen chapters explore the key role of translation in shaping interliterary relations and cultural identities within Iberia. Mary Louise Pratt’s contact zone metaphor is used as an overarching concept to approach Iberia as a translation(al) space where languages and cultural systems (Basque, Catalan, Galician, Portuguese, and Spanish) set up relationships either of conflict, coercion, and resistance or of collaboration, hospitality, and solidarity.
In bringing together a variety of essays by multilingual scholars whose conceptual and empirical research places itself at the intersection of translation and literary Iberian studies, the book opens up a new interdisciplinary field of enquiry: Iberian translation studies. This allows for a renewed study of canonical authors such as Joan Maragall, Fernando Pessoa, Camilo José Cela, and Bernardo Atxaga, and calls attention to emerging bilingual contemporary voices. In addition to addressing understudied genres (the entremez and the picaresque novel) and the phenomena of self-translation, indirect translation, and collaborative translation, the book provides fresh insights into Iberian cultural agents, mediators, and institutions.

The Philosophy of Ortega y Gasset reevaluated. (Autors:) Carlos Morujão, Samuel Dimas, Susana R. Relvas.
The present text surveys and reevaluates the meaning and scope of Ortega y Gasset’s philosophy. The chapters reveal the most important aspects of his history such as the Neokantian training he went thru in Germany as well as his discovery of Husserl’s phenomenology around 1912. The work also covers his original contributions to philosophy namely vital and historical reason – and the cultural and educational mission he proposed to achieve. The Spanish – and to a certain extent the European – circumstance was the milieu from which his work emerged but this does not limit Ortega’s scope. Rather, he believed that universal truths can only emerge from the particulars in which they are embedded.
The publication in 2010 of a critical edition of his Complete Works opened worldwide access for many unpublished manuscripts, and some of his lectures. There is renewed interest among students and researchers in Ortega and this book uniquely delivers scholarship on his content in English.
- Provides an original, overall interpretation of Ortega’s Philosophy
- Brings together a group of Portuguese scholars that reevaluate the importance of Ortega y Gasset for contemporary philosophy
- Provides a historical and systematic account of Ortega y Gasset’s philosophy, from Neo-Kantianism to Vital Reason.
Springer, 2021

Iberian Studies: Reflections Across Borders and Disciplines. (Eds.) Núria Codina Solà and Teresa Pinheiro
The cultural and linguistic diversity of the Iberian Peninsula calls for research practices that go beyond the methodological nationalism of Portuguese and Spanish Philology and History. Iberian Studies is an emerging epistemological field that approaches the complexity of the Iberian Peninsula and analyses its different literatures, identities, cultures and history from a comparative and interdisciplinary perspective.
Iberian Studies: Reflections Across Borders and Disciplines provides insights into theoretical debates on Iberian Studies. The case studies included in the volume engage with cultural history, centre and periphery dynamics, memory and nationalism and the renewed interest in the Islamic and Sephardic in 21st century Spain and Portugal.
Peter Lang, 2019

Transcultural Spaces and Identities in Iberian Studies. (Eds.) Susana R. Relvas, Mark Gant.
This volume brings together innovative research across the diverse field of Iberian Studies, including insights from economics, society, politics, literature, cinema and other art forms, either in a revisionist perspective or incorporating new data. Reflecting recent developments in the field, the subject matter extends beyond the boundaries of Spain and Portugal, as it also includes transnational and transatlantic interconnections with Europe, Africa and the Americas and its scope ranges from the nineteenth century to the effects of the Catalan independence crisis and Brexit. The 18 chapters here are authored by established academics and early career researchers from the UK, Italy, France, Germany, Spain, Portugal, Argentina, Brazil, Japan and the USA. The book will appeal to students, researchers and all who have a particular interest in deepening their understanding of the countries of the Iberian Peninsula.
Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2020

Revisiting Centres and Peripheries in Iberian Studies: Culture, History and Socioeconomic Change. (Ed.) Mark Gant
The centres and peripheries that form the focus of the book are markedly diverse and interdisciplinary in nature. In terms of geography these range from considerations of transnational influences in the wider Hispanic and Lusophone worlds to a closer focus particular regions such as Catalonia or Asturias. The historical and transhistorical processes studied are also varied in character, with consideration given to a number of cases of economic and political change from the late nineteenth century to the present. In terms of cultural representations, more marginal social groups including migrants, children and the elderly are considered as well as those excluded in periods of dictatorship or by the developing democracies. Themes of memory, identity, regionalisms and nationalisms are frequently salient in the interconnectivities across time and space which the volume explores. Contributors are drawn established academics and early career researchers from the UK, Ireland, Germany, Spain, Portugal, Japan, Costa Rica and the USA.

New Journeys in Iberian Studies. A (Trans-)National and (Trans-)Regional Exploration. (Eds.) Mark Gant, Paco Ruzzante, Anneliese Hatton

Literatura e Cinema. Vergílio Ferreira e o espaço do indizível By Luis Miguel Cardoso
É um estudo sobre as relações (diacrónicas e sincrónicas) entre a Literatura e o Cinema, que inclui uma análise feita à produção literária e ensaística do escritor Vergílio Ferreira, demonstrando os contactos com o cinema e as influências da Sétima Arte na produção do autor.

Iberian Interconnections. ACIS Conference Proceedings. (Eds.) Susana Rocha Relvas, Maria Gómez Bedoya e Rikki Morgan-Tamosunas.

Unite, Proletarian Brothers! Radicalism and Revolution in the Spanish Second Republic. By Matthew Kerry
In October 1934 the northern Spanish region of Asturias was the scene of the most important outburst of revolution in Europe between the early 1920s and the Spanish Civil War. Thousands of left-wing militants took up arms and fought the Spanish army in the streets of Oviedo while in the rear-guard committees proclaimed a revolutionary dawn. After two weeks, however, the insurrection was crushed. The widespread repression that followed was central to the polarization and fragmentation of Spanish politics prior to the Civil War (1936–9).
Unite, Proletarian Brothers! weaves together a range of everyday disputes and arenas of conflict, from tenant activism to strikes, boycotts to political violence. These local cleavages and conflicts, operating within the context of the Spanish Second Republic (1931–6) and interwar Europe, explain the origins, development and consequences of the Asturian October. The book sheds new light on the long-debated process of ‘radicalization’ during the Second Republic, as well as the wider questions of protest, revolutionary politics and social and political conflict in interwar Europe.
Dr Matthew Kerry is a lecturer in European history at the University of Stirling. His research on 1930s Spain has appeared in the English Historical Review, Cultural & Social History and European History Quarterly.
Unite, Proletarian Brothers! appears in New Historical Perspectives, an Open Access monograph series for Early Career Scholars from the Royal Historical Society and Institute of Historical Research.
Read more about Matthew’s book, and the parallels between 1930s Spain and contemporary Western democracies, on the Institute of Historical Research blog ‘On History’ (October 2020).

Catalonia, Iberia and Europe. (Eds.) David Duarte, Giangiacomo Vale.
Contributions by Silvio Berardi, Sérgio Campos Matos, David Duarte, André Freire, Joseba Gabilondo, Niccolò Inches, Gabriel Magalhães, Víctor Martínez–Gil, Thomas Jeffrey Miley, Matteo Antonio Napolitano, Robert Patrick Newcomb, Anna Pirozzoli, José Miguel Sardica, César Rina Simón, Giangiacomo Vale
Can Iberian Studies contribute to the political and cultural debate on European integration? What does the ongoing Catalan crisis teach us about the impact of regional and national claims for self-determination on the European project? And, finally, how both Iberian Studies and the Catalan crisis contribute to the rethinking of the European integration process? The recent events in Catalonia have brought to light the very European question regarding the creation and consolidation of a multi/transcultural political community, opening thus the path to consider the Iberian Peninsula as a microcosm of Europe, as well as the ideal laboratory to explore different solutions to the problem of coexistence of several national entities within the same political organization.

Le récit de l'Europe. Pour un imaginaire politique européen. By David Duarte
La majorité des Etats européens fait aujourd’hui partie d’un projet politique commun. Pourtant, l’Union Européenne n’a pas réussi à créer l’empathie nécessaire à l’unité des sujets — individuels et collectifs — ainsi qu’à la légitimité de la construction politique. Cela parce que, démunis du sentiment de coappartenance, les individus ne se reconnaissent pas dans un pouvoir qui revendique une unité inintelligible.
Dans cette étude, l’européanité, la vision européenne du monde sera questionnée au-delà de l’approche de la politologie qui tend à se focaliser sur le mode de fonctionnement de l’Union Européenne. Plus que le comment de l’Union Européenne, il s’agit de questionner le sens de l’Europe, son récit en tant que force mobilisatrice capable de rassembler les Européens en vue d’un devenir commun.

Melodies, Rhythm and Cognition in Foreign Language Learning
Editor(s):M. Carmen Fonseca-Mora, Mark Gant
Contributors:Fergal Kavanagh, Hamish Binns, Laurie Thain, Mark Gant, Rosalía Rodríguez Vázquez, Ziwei Zhou, Kathleen Wermke, Werner Mende, José Manuel Foncubierta, Cristina Aguilera Gómez, Pascuala Morote Magán, Carmen Toscano-Fuentes, M. Luisa García Bermejo, Teresa Fleta, Alejandra Pacheco-Costa, Eva Adam.
Melodies, Rhythm and Cognition in Foreign Language Learning is a collection of essays reflecting on the relationship between language and music, two unique, innate human capacities. This book provides a clear explanation of the centrality of melodies and rhythm to foreign language learning acquisition. The interplay between language music brings to applied linguists inquiries into the nature and function of speech melodies, the role of prosody and the descriptions of rhythmical patterns in verbal behaviour. Musical students seem to be better equipped for language learning, although melodies and rhythm can benefit all types of students at any age. In fact, in this book melodies and rhythm are considered to be a springboard for the enhancement of the learning of foreign languages.

Contesting Spain? The Dynamics of Nationalist Movements in Catalonia and the Basque Country
Edited by Richard Gillespie, Caroline Gray
Contesting Spain? The Dynamics of Nationalist Movements in Catalonia and the Basque Country offers an exploration of the dynamics behind contemporary shifts in the orientation of nationalist parties and movements with reference to Catalonia and the Basque country in Spain. The chapters were originally papers presented at a workshop held at the Barcelona Centre for International Affairs (CIDOB) in September 2014 as part of a research project on ‘The Dynamics of Nationalist Evolution in Contemporary Spain’, whose purpose was to gain a better understanding of why regionally-based nationalist movements have experienced shifting relationships with the Spanish state over time, in some periods appearing content with accommodation between central and regional government and at other times pushing to go beyond autonomist demands to seek sovereignty or even attain full independence.

Scotland's Referendum and the Media. National and International Perspectives.
Edited by Neil Blain, David Hutchison and Gerry Hassan.
ISBN: 9780748965989 Edinburgh University Press
After the Referendum on whether Scotland should become an independent country in September 2014—and following a momentous mobilisation of voters by both the Yes and No campaigns—Scotland’s political environment has been fundamentally energised. But how was the Referendum campaign reported and structured in the media in Scotland, the wider United Kingdom, and in other parts of the world, and was it a matter of ‘construction’ rather than ‘representation’? In this book scholars, commentators and journalists from Britain, Europe and beyond examine how the media across the world presented the debate itself and the shifting nature of Scottish—and British—identity which that debate revealed. Several of the contributors also explore how the emphases and constructions which were put on the debate in their particular countries illuminated these countries’ own responses to nationalism and separatism. The consequences of the Referendum’s No result are traced in the media through until the May general election of 2015.

La memoria televisada: Cuéntame cómo pasó. By Laura Pousaura
ISBN (edición impresa): 978-84-15544-95-1

IBÉRIA A relação entre Portugal e Espanha no século XX
José Miguel Sardica
Alêtheia Editores, 2013
Vivem na Península Ibérica e nos arquipélagos dos Açores, Madeira, Canárias e Baleares mais de 10 milhões de portugueses e mais de 47 milhões de espanhóis. Se acaso se fizesse um inquérito perguntando como olham os portugueses para a Espanha ou os espanhóis para Portugal, muito poucos seriam os que nada teriam a dizer sobre o que se passou, o que se passa e o que deveria passar-se no relacionamento entre os dois Estados e as duas sociedades.
O tema da relação peninsular é um daqueles pratos quentes com o especial condão de animar tanto um debate académico quanto uma conversa informal. Por mais racional que se pretenda que o tema seja – e pode ser – ele desperta sempre emoções que por vezes nada têm que ver com retrospecção séria, conhecimento objectivo, avaliação ponderada e prospectiva realista.
Portugal e Espanha são países vizinhos, contíguos, desentranhados, como numa operação a gémeos siameses, de uma mesma unidade geográfica chamada Península Ibérica. Tudo o que aconteceu depois dessa separação não anulou o berço comum e não destruiu até hoje a natureza muito especial da relação ibérica – de irmãos face a face, de amigos inimigos ou de vizinhos de costas voltadas, É essa relação evolutiva que este livro pretende recontar, não em toda a sua existência temporal mas apenas no período que se estende desde os finais do século XIX até aos primórdios do século XXI.
In Preâmbulo

La mediatización del conflicto político. Discursos y narrativas en el contexto español
Enric Castelló (ed)
Este libro presenta una serie de artículos sobre la cobertura de conflictos políticos y territoriales en España. Las investigaciones aplican el análisis de marcos interpretativos, discursos y narrativas a diversas muestras de contenido, sobretodo de prensa. Se analiza la cobertura mediática de las declaraciones de políticos sobre el modelo de Estado; la sentencia del Tribunal Constitucional sobre elEstatut de Cataluña y la manifestación del 10J; la información sobre (i)legalización de partidosabertzales; las tentativas de reforma del Estatuto gallego, la pugna por el traslado de “los papeles de Salamanca” y los bienes sacros del Museu de Lleida, la prohibición de las corridas de toros en Cataluña y las controversias por la actividad de las selecciones autonómicas. El trabajo colectivo va precedido de un marco teórico sobre la mediatización del conflicto político y el estudio del discurso de los medios.
El capítulo 9 de este libro, Deporte y política en el bucle del eterno retorno, ha sido escrito por Hugh O’Donnell y Fernando León Solís.

Globalization and Language in the Spanish Speaking World. Macro and Micro Perspectives
Clare Mar-Molinero and Miranda Stewart
This volume considers the spread of Spanish today and particularly its role in the processes of globalization. Spanish is frequently dominant in contact with other languages. But how contested is its hegemony and how far does it threaten other languages? How are these other minoritized languages faring in a world of few strong, global languages?

Negotiating Spain and Catalonia. Competing Narratives of National Identity
By Fernando León Solís
What is Spanish identity? The stereotype conjures up images of ‘temperament’, ‘passion’ and ‘difference’ from the rest of Europe. But, within Spain, is there a single image all Spaniards identify with?
The two case studies included in this book (dealing with the Football World Cups of 1994 and 2002, and the general elections of 1996 and 2000) examine competing discourses of Spain, Catalonia and their national identities, as constructed in the Spanish press.
ISBN 1-84150-077-1, £19.95
Intellect, 2003
Publisher’s flyer (pdf format)