ACIS Database is an open access archive dedicated to the diffusion of ACIS members’ research activity in the framework of Iberian Studies.

With the intention of going beyond the already dynamic annual congresses, this Database aims at fostering research work on contemporary Iberia (twentieth and twenty-first century)  from a wide range of disciplines, establishing a productive dialogue with a view to a more symbiotic relation between members who share the same academic interests and hopefully stimulate common projects.

The information is constantly updated, so all members wishing to include their recent production  please contact the project coordinator: Susana Relvas  by email.

Finally, we stress the idea that your collaboration as ACIS members is inestimable to the Association and an excellent opportunity to share your work and be part of the ACIS new project.

Gimeno Ugalde, Esther 

EstherEsther Gimeno Ugalde currently works as an Interim Professor (Vertretungsprofessorin) of Iberian Studies at the Technical University of Chemnitz, Germany, and is a member of the research group DIIA (Diálogos Ibéricos e Iberoamericanos) at the University of Lisbon (Centro de Estudos Comparatistas). Between 2013 and 2018, Gimeno Ugalde was an Assistant Professor of Practice at Boston College, and held a previous appointment as the Max Kade post-doctoral fellow at Harvard University.

Her research in the field of Iberian Studies focuses on language choice and multilingualism in cinema and literature, exploring questions related to language and identity. Gimeno Ugalde’s current project studies literary self-translation in the Iberian Peninsula, an undertaking at the head of her new line of research within group DIAA, IberTRANSLATIO – Iberian Studies and Translation Spaces. Dr. Gimeno Ugalde is also interested in the origins and development of Iberian Studies as a discipline and.

She is the co-editor of the International Journal of Iberian Studies (IJIS) and co-leads the project IStReS (Iberian Studies Reference Site) together with Santiago Pérez Isasi.

Publications (Iberian related)

Single Authored Book

La identidad nacional catalana. Ideologías lingüísticas entre 1833 y 1932. Frankfurt a.M., Madrid: Iberoamericana/Vervuert, 2010. 372 pages.

Co-Edited Volume

Catalunya/Catalunha. Relacions literàries i culturals entre Catalunya i Portugal [Catalunya/Catalunha. Literary and Cultural Relationships between Catalonia and Portugal]. Lisbon, Baix Maestrat: Húmus, Onada Edicions. [2013, 303 pages, ISBN: 978-989-755-014-0]

Edited Journals (Co-Editor)

Co-editor (with Marta Álvarez) of the Dossier “Paisajes de la crisis en los cines ibéricos.” Iberoamericana. América Latina-España-Portugal (2018, in print).

Invited co-editor of Volume 27, Issue 2-3 of the International Journal of Iberian Studies (IJIS) (with Teresa Pinheiro). Title: Iberian Memories. Mass Media and the Configuration of Memory in Contemporary Spain and Portugal, 2014: 75-202.

Articles in Refereed Journals and Books

The Iberian Turn: Iberian Studies in the United States,” Informes del Observatorio/Observatory Reports, published by the Instituto Cervantes at the Faculty of Arts and Sciences of Harvard University. 036-12/2017EN and 036-12/2017SP, 2017, 26 pages.

“Bilingualism and Language Contact in Catalan Contemporary Cinema (Sévigné and Amor idiota).” In Media for minorities/Medien für Minderheiten. Eds. María Alba Niño and Rolf Kailuweit. Freiburg: Rombach Verlag, 2015, 159-184.

Un cine con acento: Polifonía, multilingüismo y alteridad en el cine de Ventura Pons.” In Zeitschrift für Katalanistik (ZfK)/Revista dEstudis Catalans, Volume 27 (2014): 69-84.

“Introduction: Mass Media and the Configuration of Memory in Contemporary Spain and Portugal.” In International Journal of Iberian Studies (IJIS), Volume 27: 2-3 (2014): 75-84.

“Postmemory and Photography in the Catalan Miniseries Tornarem (2011).” In International Journal of Iberian Studies (IJIS), Volume 27: 2-3 (2014): 149-166.

“An Iberian Babel – or what is the place for Iberian languages in current cinema?” In Looking at Iberia from a Comparative European Perspective. Eds. Ângela Fernandes and Santiago Pérez-Isasi. Frankfurt a.M., Berlin: Peter Lang, 2013: 265-294.

La encrucijada bilingüe en la literatura: Reflexiones sociolingüísticas y literarias en torno a L’últim home que parlava català de Carles Casajuana.” In Revista de Filología Románica 30 (Nr. 1/2013): 97-115, “Escritores entre culturas” issue.

Larson, Jared D.

Jared LarsonJared D. Larson is currently an instructor in the Department of Politics at Humboldt State University in Arcata, California, research associate with the Instituto Galego de Análise e Documentación Internacional in Pontevedra (Galicia), Spain, and co-editor of the Open Forum section of the International Journal of Iberian Studies. Prior to moving to California, Jared held a post-doctoral research fellowship at the Centro de Estudos Geográficos at the Universidade de Lisboa (2015-2016), where he had previously been a Fulbright research fellow (2009-2010) conducting field work for his Ph.D. thesis on the comparative politics of anti-immigrantism in Portugal and Spain.

His research interests include international migration, the politics of (im)migration, Spanish and Portuguese politics, U.S. politics and foreign policy, religion and international politics, and interdisciplinary research methods (including migration as a field and, of course, Iberian Studies). He has taught in five U.S. states, Turkey, and Portugal. Jared has been a member of ACIS since 2008, having served on the executive committee as post-graduate representative from 2010 to 2013. He was also a co-organizer of ACIS’s 33rd Annual Conference, held at King’s College London in 2012, and the 40th Annual Conference, held at the Universitat de Barcelona in 2018.

Publications (Iberian related)


“Comparing Most-Similar Systems Using Contextual Variables in the Study of the Politics of Migration in Spain and Portugal.” SAGE Research Methods Cases. Accepted for publication (pending revisions) 4 May 2018, forthcoming.

“La identidad ibérica frente a la identidad europea: Huellas iberistas en Señas de identidad, A jangada de pedra y Sostiene Pereira.” Romance Notes. Accepted for publication (pending revisions) 2 January 2018, revisions accepted 22 February 2018, forthcoming, 2018.

Migration in 21st-century Iberia: the politics and patterns of anti-immigrantism and emigration.” IX Encontro Nacional Sobre Migrações, Associação Brasileira de Estudos Populacionais. Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Brazil. São Paulo: Editora Blucher, 2016, pp. 115-140.

“The Comparative Study of Spain and Portugal in the Social Sciences: Insight from the Study of Immigration to the Iberian Peninsula.” International Journal of Iberian Studies, Vol. 26, No. 3, 2013, pp. 189-200.

“Democratic and Migration Transition in Spain and Portugal: Catholic Contexts and Secular Responses.” MIGRARE Working Paper #5, Lisbon: Centro de Estudos Geográficos, Instituto de Geografia e Ordenamento do Território, Universidade de Lisboa (November 2010).

Book reviews

“Iberian modalities: A Relational Approach to the Study of Culture in the Iberian Peninsula” (2013), by Joan Ramon Resina (ed.), in International Journal of Iberian Studies, Vol. 29, No. 1 (March 2016), pp. 81-82.

“Spain Transformed: The Late Franco Dictatorship, 1959-1975” (2010), by Nigel Townson (ed.), in International Journal of Iberian Studies, Vol. 24, No. 3 (May 2012), pp. 243-245.


López Forjas, Manuel

López Forjas, ManuelManuel López Forjas holds a PhD in Hispanic Studies from the Autonomous University of Madrid, where he has taught  History of Spanish and Latin American thought in theDepartment of Social Anthropology and SpanishPhilosophicalThought. He is currently a postdoctoral researcher at the Instituto Universitario La Corte en Europa (IULCE) at theAutonomousUniversity of Madrid. His research focuses on the intellectual history of LatinAmerica and Spain and the modern history of the Hispanic world. He is a member of the Editorial Board of the Revista de Hispanismo Filosófico. Historia del Pensamiento Iberoamericano (Fondo de Cultura Económica) and Lecturas de nuestro tiempo. Revista de Filosofía.

Publications (Iberian related)


Bookchapter: “The Aristotelian Doctrine through Joaquín Costa’s View: The Resemblance with Plato despite of the History”, en Boudouris, K. &Kalimtzis, K. (Eds.) The World Congress of Philosophy.The philosophy of Aristotle. Volume II, Atenas, International Center of Greek Philosophy, 2018, pp. 133-138.

Bookchapter: “Construcción de una teoría crítica latinoamericana: socialismo,democracia y una nueva economía en Adolfo Sánchez Vázquez”, in ALCÁNTARA,MANUEL; GARCÍA MONTERO, MERCEDES & SÁNCHEZ LÓPEZ,FRANCISCO (Coords.), Filosofía y pensamiento. Memoria del 56º CongresoInternacional de Americanistas, Salamanca, Ediciones de la Universidad deSalamanca, 2018, pp. 237-246. DOI:

Article: “Solidaridad desde México. Dos cartas entre Eduardo Nicol y FranciscoRomero en torno a las políticas universitarias”. Monograma. Revista Iberoamericana de Cultura y Pensamiento. 3, 2018, pp. 83 – 100.

Bookchapter: “Popular Customs as a Source of Republican Modernization: The Recovery of Customary Law from Spanish Krausist Thought to the Politics of the Second Republic’, in Gant, Mark &Ruzzante, Paco& Hatton, Anneliese (eds.) New Journeys in Iberian Studies: A (Trans-) National and (Trans-) Regional Exploration, Newcastle upon Tyne, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2018, pp. 158-170.

Article: “El colectivismo agrario como utopía popular: la propiedad de la tierra en Joaquín Costa”,Revista Jurídica Digital UANDES, Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad de los Andes, en Chile, 1/2, 2017, pp. 23-33.DOI: 10.24822/rjduandes.0102.2

Bookchapter: “El programa de la nacionalización de la tierra de Álvaro Flórez Estrada: la reforma social como antecedente de la reforma política en la España liberal”, in Atas do XII Colòquio Internacional Tradiçao e Modernidade no Mundo Ibero-Americano, Porto, 18 a 21 de Julho de 2017, Rio de Janeiro, Porto, 2017. ISBN 978-85-5676-014-2

Article: “La otra Nueva España de Andrés Henestrosa: reflexiones de un amigo de los republicanos” in Revista Valenciana, estudios de filosofía y letras, (Guanajuato, México), Nº19 enero-junio 2017, pp. 45-76.<>

Bookchapter: “Confederación ibérica como sistema de gobierno español: un proyecto juvenil de Joaquín Costa y Martínez (1868)”, in ROCHA RELVAS, Susana et al (eds.), ACIS Conference Proceedings 2016, Porto, Universidade Católica Editora, 2016, pp. 307-318. <>

Bookchapter: “Construyendo la caridad eterna: Juan Luis Vives y el socorro de los pobres”, in MELO PEREIRA, Yónatan et al (eds.), Educación para una nueva civilización, Madrid, Fundación Fernando Rielo, 2016, pp. 81-96.

Bookchapter: “Alonso de Castrillo y el inicio de la Escuela Sociológica en España: Igualdad y comunidad en el Tratado de República (1521)”, in IRACEBURU JIMÉNEZ, Maite & Mata Induráin (eds.),“Spiritusvivificat”. Actas del V Congreso Internacional Jóvenes Investigadores Siglo de Oro (JISO 2015), Pamplona, BIADIG: Biblioteca áurea digital del GRISO 36, 2016, pp.55-67.<>

Article: “La revolución española según Joaquín Costa: un concepto entre la historia, la política y el derecho”, in SÉMATA, Ciencias Sociais e Humanidades, vol. 28, 2016, pp. 109-134. <>

Bookchapter: “Censura inquisitorial y prohibición de libros en la Nueva España: una reflexión sobre la cultura escrita en México (siglos XVI-XVIII)”en RICE, Robin Ann (ed.) Arte, cultura y poder en la Nueva España. Nueva York, IDEA, 2016, pp.93-115.<>

Book chapter: “La Nobilísima Ciudad de los Ángeles y la Virgen de Guadalupe: la recepción de la devoción popular en el Ayuntamiento de Puebla (Siglo XVIII)” in Rodríguez Arroyo, Beatriz, & Fierro Trujillo, Rocío Hitzel (coords.), La Virgen de Guadalupe Dolorosa desde una mirada multidisciplinaria, Puebla, Universidad Popular Autónoma del Estado de Puebla, 2016. <>

Article: “¿Pensar nuestra cultura mexicana? Breve reflexión sobre una historia de la filosofía de la cultura en México”, Revista Historia Autónoma, 7, 2015, pp. 157-170. DOI: 10.15366/rha2015.7

Article (with Marino, Giuseppe): “Un manuscrito inédito del P. Juan Bautista Poza, SJ: apología de los mártires de Japón”, Estudios eclesiásticos, Vol. 90, Nº. 352, 2015, págs. 75-128. <>

Bookchapter: “Un convento en una casa. La justicia eclesiástica y la primera fundación religiosa de la villa de Córdoba (1626)”, in Carlos Mata Induráin y Ana Zúñiga Lacruz (eds.), «Venia docendi». Actas del IV Congreso Internacional Jóvenes Investigadores Siglo de Oro (JISO 2014), Pamplona, Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 2015, pp. 95-108. <>

Translation (from English): Sergei Prozorov, “El Otro como pasado y presente: más allá de la lógica de la otredad temporal en la teoría de las Relaciones Internacionales”, Relaciones internacionales: Revista académica cuatrimestral de publicación electrónica, Nº. 29, 2015 (Número monográfico dedicado a: La alteridad en las Relaciones Internacionales), págs. 179-203.<>

Article: “Entre el dolor y la utopía: España en el corazón de Adolfo Sánchez Vázquez”, Bajo palabra. Revista de filosofía, Época 2, Nº. 10, 2015, págs. 305-314.DOI:

Article: “El Quijote y la realidad viva de las Españas: la visión histórica de Pedro Bosch-Gimpera”, Edad de Oro, XXXIV (2015), pp. 69-84. DOI:

Article: “Literatura, psicología y confesión: El Informe contra mí mismo de Eliseo Alberto”, Revista de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla (México), Año 13, Número 21, julio-diciembre 2015, pp.17-32. <>

Pérez Isasi, Santiago

Pérez Isasi, SantiagoSantiago Pérez Isasi is a Researcher at the Center for Comparative Studies at the University of Lisbon, where he is developing the project “Nationalism and Literary Regenerations in the Iberian Peninsula 1868-1936”; he is also the PI of the project “Digital Map of Iberian Literary Relations (1868-1936),” funded by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) and co-PI of IStReS – Iberian Studies Reference Site (

Santiago Pérez Isasi is the co-editor of Looking at Iberia. A Comparative European Perspective (2013) and Los límites del Hispanismo. Nuevos métodos, nuevas fronteras, nuevos géneros (2017). Altogether with Esther Gimeno Ugalde, he is co-editor of the International Journal of Iberian Studies (IJIS). Moreover, Santiago has published several articles and book chapters on Iberian literary relations, as well as on the theoretical and methodological foundations of Iberian Studies as a field.

Publications (Iberian related)


Pérez Isasi, Santiago. 2010. “La historiografía literaria como herramienta de nacionalización en España (1833-1939)”, Oihenart. Cuadernos de Lengua y literatura. 25: 267-279

—. 2012a. “Imágenes de la Península Ibérica en la historiografía literaria romántica europea.” In Imagologías Ibéricas: construyendo la imagen del otro peninsular, edited by María Jesús Fernández García and Luísa Leal, 181–97. Mérida: Gabinete de iniciativas transfronterizas, Gobierno de Extremadura.

—. 2012b. “Presencias y ausencias de lo vasco en la historiografía literaria española (1800-1939).” Oihenart – Cuadernos de Lengua y Literatura, no. 27: 179–200.

—. 2013a. “Entre dos tierras y en tierra de nadie: el reflejo del multilingüismo peninsular en la historiografía literaria ibérica.” Revista de Filología Románica 30 (1): 137–48.

—. 2013b. “Iberian Studies: A State of the Art and Future Perspectives.” In Looking at Iberia: A Comparative European Perspective, edited by Santiago Pérez Isasi and Ângela Fernandes, 11–26. Hispanic Studies: Culture and Ideas 56. Oxford / New York: Peter Lang.

—. 2013c. “The Limits of Spanishness in Nineteenth-Century Spanish Literary History.” Bulletin of Hispanic Studies 90 (2): 167–88.

—. 2014a. “Presentación”. 1616 – Anuario de Literatura Comparada, no. 4-Número monográfico sobre “Relaciones culturales ibéricas” (ed. Santiago Pérez Isasi): 19-24.

—. 2014b. “La literatura vasca en el contexto de los Estudios Ibéricos.” 1616 – Anuario de Literatura Comparada, no. 4-Número monográfico sobre “Relaciones culturales ibéricas” (ed. Santiago Pérez Isasi): 107–26.

—. 2014c. “Literatura, iberismo(s), nacionalismo(s): apuntes para una historia del iberismo literario (1868-1936).” Revista de Teoría de la Literatura y Literatura Comparada : 452oF, no. 11: 64–79.

—. 2014d. “Literaturas nacionales, literatura supranacionales: el lugar de los Estudios Ibéricos.” Interlitteraria, no. 19/1: 22–32.

—. 2016. “A View from Comparative Literary History, II: A Comparative History of Literatures in the Iberian Peninsula?” In A Comparative History of Literatures in the Iberian Peninsula, edited by César Domínguez, Anxo Abuín González, and Ellen Sapega, 2:653–63. Amsterdam / Philadelphia: John Benjamins / Association Internationale de Littérature Comparée.

—. 2017a. “Building Nations through Words: Iberian Identities in Nineteenth-Century Literary Historiography.” In The Routledge Companion to Iberian Studies, edited by Javier Muñoz-Basols, Laura Lonsdale, and Manuel Delgado, 333–43. London / New York: Routledge.

—. 2017b. “Los Estudios Ibéricos como estudios literarios: algunas consideraciones teóricas y metodológicas.” In Procesos de nacionalización e identidades en la península ibérica, edited by César Rina, 347–61. Cáceres: Universidad de Extremadura.

—. 2017c. “Nacionalismos políticos y renacimientos literarios: apuntes para una perspectiva ibérica.” In Península Ibérica: nações e transnacionalidade entre dois séculos (XIX e XX), edited by Sérgio Campos Matos and Luís Bigotte Chorão, 231–48. Lisbon: Húmus / Centro de História, Facultade de Letras de Universidade de Lisboa.

Pérez Isasi, Santiago, and Ângela Fernandes, eds. 2013. Looking at Iberia: A Comparative European Perspective. Hispanic Studies: Culture and Ideas 56. Oxford / New York: Peter Lang.

Revelles Esquirol, Jesús

Revelles Esquirol, JesúsJesús Revelles Esquirol  holds a degree in Literary Theory  and the Humanities from the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona and earned a Ph.D. at the same institution with the doctoral thesis “Direction Lisbon: Portugal in the Life and Work of Josep Pla.” He is the author of research articles on the concept of lusocatalanisme and Josep Pla’s life’s work and is currently working at the Universitat de les Illes Balears as an Associate Professor while studying and working on the subject of contemporary nonfictional Catalan prose.

Publications (Iberian related)


(2019) “Humberto Pelágio y las medicaciones luso-catalanas de principios de siglo XX. Una aproximación”. Tintas- Quaderni di letterature iberiche e iberoamericane, 8(2019), p. 65-80.

(2016) “Missió catalana a Lisboa», a Xavier Pla (ed.),”El món d’ahir de Joan Estelrich. Dietaris, cultura i acció política”. València: Publicacions de la Universitat de València. p.189-215.

(2015) “L’àngel atlàntic. Eugeni d’Ors i Portugal” “Eugeni d’Ors, potència i resistència”, Edited by Xavier Pla, p. 123-125; Institució de les Lletres Catalanes.

(2015) “Felanitx-Palma-Lisboa. La implicació balear en la tradició iberista catalana”dins “Les Iles Baléares. Littérature, langue, histoire, arts”, p 81-88, Canet. Trabucaire.

(2014) “Joan Estelrich a Galícia. Els contactes peninsulars de la mà dreta de Francesc Cambó”. Revista de lenguas y literaturas, catalana, gallega y vasca. Madrid: UNED. XIX; 87-98.

(2010) “Cambó, Pla, Gaziel i els contactes lusocatalans”, a Víctor Martínez-Gil (ed.), «Uns apartats germans»: Portugal i Catalunya / «Irmãos afastados»: Portugal e a Catalunha. Palma: Lleonard Muntaner editor, p. 149-168.

(2009) “La recepción en prensa del espejo portugués: Portugal y el iberismo como salida al problema de España”, Iberografías, nº 5. Guarda. Centro de Estudos Ibéricos, p. 75-90.

Relvas, Susana R.

Relvas, Susana R.Susana Rocha Relvas received her BA, MA and PhD. in Comparative Literature.  Her main lines of research include Lusophone and Hispanic Studies, Comparative Literature, History of Intellectuals and History of Ideas, libertarian movements and pedagogical innovations in the Iberian Peninsula and Latin American spaces.

She teaches at the Polytechnic Institutes of Viseu  and is research fellow at CEFH  – Centro de Estudos de Filosofia e Humanidades at the Universidade Católica Portuguesa, Braga. She is responsible for the following projects: Iberian and Latin-American Network of House Museums, Foundations and Archives of Writers and Artists (2017) and ACIS Database (2018).

Publications (Iberian related)


(2016) Rocha Relvas, S.; Gómez Bedoya, M.;  Morgan-Tamosunas, R. (Eds) Iberian Interconnections. ACIS Conference Proceedings. Porto: Universidade Católica Editora, pp. 256-269. ISBN · 978-989-8835-14-7

Book chapters:

—.2020. “Turismo, terras de Portugal e de Espanha. Redes de turismo cultural (literário e intelectual) ontem e hoje”. Turismo. História, Património e Ideologia. Diálogo e Memórias. Câmara de Cascais, ESHTE, pp.161-174.

—.2019. “Chapter Fifteen: Portuguese-Catalan Intellectual Networks in the Inter-War Period: Interconnections between Noucentisme and Renascença Portuguesa”. Revisiting Centres and Peripheries in Iberian Studies: Culture, History and Socioeconomic Change. Ed. Mark Gant. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp.233-263. ISBN (10): 1-5275-3689-0, ISBN (13): 978-1-5275-3689-0

—.2019. “Receção da Literatura Portuguesa em António Cândido. Espaço, Fronteira, colonialidade e Pós-colonialidade”, Lopes, Ana Costa; Amante, Susana; Relvas, Susana. O Conceito de Espaço na Obra de António Cândido. (Eds.) Ozíris Borges Filho, Sidney Barbosa, Maria João Simões. Bonecker, pp.41-57.

—.2019. “Diálogo ibérico en torno a Don Quijote: Miguel de Unamuno y el movimiento cultural de la Renascença Portuguesa. Perspectivas actuales del hispanismo mundial Literatura – Cultura – Lengua. Volumen II: Ss. XVIII y XIX | Literatura contemporánea. Christoph Strosetzki (Coord.). Andreas Gelz, Susanne Schlünder, Jan-Henrik Witthaus, Mechthild Albert, Jochen Mecke, Carmen Rivero (Eds.). Wissenschaftliche Schriften der WWU Münster Reihe XII Volumen 22.2, Münster, pp. 443-456.

—.2018. “Crónica de un diálogo inacabado: Ortega y Gasset y Leonardo Coimbra: afinidades y divergencias del pensamiento ibérico en la década de los veinte”. Presença de Ortega y Gasset em Portugal e no Brasil. (Coord.) António Braz Teixeira, Gonzalo del Puerto e Renato Epifânio: Lisboa: MIL/ Instituto Cervantes, DG Edições, 2018, pp.211-218.

—.2018. Chapter Thirteen “Mirrors, reflexions and shadows: Portuguese-Galician relations in the 1920s”. New Journeys in Iberian Studies. A (Trans-)National and (Trans-)Regional Exploration. Editor(s): Mark Gant, Paco Ruzzante, Anneliese Hatton. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp.172-181.ISBN-13:978-1-5275-1142-2

—. 2017. “Leonardo Coimbra y el pensamiento español. Teoría y Praxis de una dialéctica Ibérica y universal. Theory and Praxis of an Iberian and universal dialectics”. Bajo Palabra. Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, nº17, época II, pp.545-562. 

—. 2016a. “O Pan-Hispanismo de António Sardinha: génese, receção e influência da sua obra”. Iberian Interconnections. ACIS Conference Proceedings. (Eds.) Susana Rocha Relvas, Maria Gómez Bedoya e Rikki Morgan-Tamosunas. Porto: Universidade Católica Editora, pp. 256-269. ISBN · 978-989-8835-14-7

—. 2012. “Leonardo Coimbra e Ortega y Gasset – entre a Razão Experimental e a Razão Vital”. Nova Águia, nº10, 2º trimestre, pp.52-70.

—. 2008.  “Teixeira de Pascoaes e Carlos Sabat Ercasty: uma amizade espiritual”. (Estudo e edição de correspondência inédita). Congreso sobre la enseñanza del español en Portugal. Lisboa: Consejería de Educación. Embajada de España, 26-28 de junio.

—. 2007. “Valle-Inclán y Portugal”. Anuario del Valle Inclán VII, ALEC Anales de Literatura Española Contemporánea, 32. Issue 3, 2007, pp. 107-129. Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Galicia-Spain/ Colorado University, USA.

—. 2003. “António Sardinha e o Hispanismo: Diálogo com mulheres sul-americanas”. Correspondência de Angélica Palma e Mercedes Gaibróis Riaño Ballesteros a António Sardinha.

—. 2001. “A ‘Embaixada Cultural’ de Leonardo Coimbra. Relações Culturais com Brasil e Espanha”. Actas do Congresso Internacional Pensadores Portugueses Contemporâneos. 1850-1950. Vol. II. Lisboa: Imprensa Nacional – Casa da Moeda, 2002, pp.351-364. ISBN972-27-1160-1

Schmiedel, Fabian

Schmiedel, FabianFabian Schmiedel is doing a PhD in Political Science at the University of Regensburg, Germany. He is a scholarship holder from the German Friedrich Ebert Foundation and author for the political magazine „The European“.

Fabian holds an M.A. in Intercultural European Studies from the Universidad Complutense in Madrid and a B.A. in Political Science and Roman Philology from the University of Jena, part of which he did abroad as a visiting student in Almería and Coimbra.

Throughout his studies, he worked as a scientific researcher for the German Parliament in Berlin and as programme coordinator for the German Goethe-Institut in Madrid.

In his PhD “In dubio pro Europa?“, he focusses on the influence of the European integration on the democratization in Spain and Portugal.

Publications (Iberian related)

Current articles:

Schmiedel, Fabian: 40 años de la Constitución española. ¡Feliz cumple, España! Cultural magazine by the Goethe-Institute Madrid. Edición 11/2019. Available under:

Schmiedel, Fabian: Kommt der Rechtspopulismus jetzt auch nach Spanien? In: The European. Das Debatten-Magazin. 08.12.2018. Available under: schmiedel/15125-warum-hatten-rechtspopulisten-in-andalusien-erfolg

Aliberti, Davide 

Davide Aliberti is Senior Researcher in Spanish language and Translation at the University of Messina. He holds a PhD in Hispanic Studies from the University of Naples “L’Orientale” (Italy) and from the University of Aix-Marseille (France). He has been a research fellow in Spanish language at the Department of Literary, Linguistic and Comparative Studies of the University of Naples “L’Orientale”, a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Aix-Marseille and a research associate at the Casa de Velázquez in Madrid. His research lines mainly concern contemporary Spanish language, politics, and culture. He took a special interest in the condition of religious minorities, particularly Sephardic Jews, in contemporary Spain. His last book is Sefarad: una comunidad imaginada (1924-2015) (Marcial Pons, 2018). Currently his research deals with anti-Semitism and philosemitism in the political discourses of the Spanish right and far-right, and the reception of Spanish Afro-descendant activists’ discourse through social networks.

Publications (Iberian related)

His last book is Sefarad: una comunidad imaginada (1924-2015), Marcial Pons, 2018.


Gant, Mark

Gant, MarkMark Gant holds a BA and PhD from the University of Exeter. He also has a Postgraduate Certificate in Teaching and Learning in Higher Education and is a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy. He taught at Exeter for 5 years before moving to lead the Spanish Programme at Chester College of Higher Education, which became the University of Chester where he is now Head of Modern Languages.

Mark has been an ACIS member since 2000, has served two terms and Secretary and is now in his second term as Chair.

Mark served as Co-Editor of the English edition of Comunicar, Media Education Research Journal and is currently on the review panel. He is also a reviewer for Porta Linguarum. He has research interests in nineteenth century Spanish fiction and politics and in language pedagogy.

Publications (Iberian related)


Gant, M. (Ed.). (2019)  Revisiting Centres and Peripheries in Iberian Studies: Culture, History and Socio-economic Change. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars.

Gant, M., Ruzzante, P. & Hatton, A. (Eds.). (2019) New Journeys in Iberian Studies: A (Trans-)National and (Trans-)Regional Exploration. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars.

Fonseca-Mora, C. & Gant, M. (Eds.). (2016). Melodies, Rhythm and Cognition in Foreign Language Learning. Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars.

Gant, M. (2012). The Spanish Writer and Publisher Carlos Frontaura (1834-1910): A Study of His Social Influence and Ideology. Lewiston, New York, Edwin Mellen Press Ltd.

Book Chapters

Fonseca-Mora, C., Gant, M. & Herrero Machancoses, F. (2017) Interdependent Autonomy: Face-to-Face and Digital Media in Modern Languages Learning.  In Learner and Teacher Autonomy in Higher Education: Perspectives from Modern Language Teaching (Foreign Language Teaching in Europe). Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang.

Foncubierta, J.M. & Gant, M. (2016) Awakening Senses for Language Learning. In Fonseca-Mora, C. & Gant, M. (eds). Melodies, Rhythm and Cognition in Foreign Language Learning. Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars


Sharman, Nick 

Sharmen NickNick Sharman is a Research Fellow at the University of Nottingham where he is working on the economic and political relationship between Britain and Spain in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. He has had a career in business and local and regional government and is currently a Councillor in the London Borough of Hackney where he chairs the Audit Committee. 

He holds a PhD from the University of Nottingham, an honours degree in economics and politics from Trinity College, Dublin, an MPhil in town planning from University College London, an MBA from Henley Management College and an MA in history from Royal Holloway University of London. He has written widely on strategic and regeneration issues in local and regional Government and more recently, on the history of the Anglo-Spanish relationship. 

Publications (Iberian related)

Recent publications:

Sharman, N. ‘Spain and Britain’s Informal Empire, 1808 to 1936’, Prime Economics Occasional Paper, November 2015.

Sharman, N. ‘The Long Road to Spain’s Economic Modernisation, 1840-1940: Political and Economic Ideologies’, Bajo Palabra, Revista de Filosofía, Época 2, No.17, Madrid, 2017, pp. 435-456.

Sharman, N. ‘Britain’s Role in Franco’s Survival in the Aftermath of World War Two’, in Gant, M Ruzzante, P. and Hatton, A. (editors). New Journeys in Iberian Studies, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2018.

Sharman, N. ‘Spain and Britain’s Informal Empire’ in Grocott, C. and Grady, J. The Continuing Imperialism of Free Trade, Routledge, 2018.

Sharman, N. ‘A Return to Spain’s Twentieth Century Debate over Economic Nationalism?’ in Gant, M. (editor) Revisiting Centres and Peripheries in Iberian Studies, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2019.

Sharman,N. ‘The Rio Tinto strike of 1920: a key turning point in social mobilisation?. in Gant, M.; Relvas, S.R. (Eds). Transcultural Spaces and Identities in Iberian Studies. Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2020, pp.287-296.

Sharman, N. Britain’s Informal Empire in Spain, 1830-1950. Palgrave Macmillan (in preparation).


Pinhal, Cindy

Pinhal, CindyCindy Pinhal is currently Assistant Professor of French, Portuguese and Spanish at Farmingdale State College SUNY, in New York. She is first-generation born of Portuguese immigrant parents in France and first college-graduate in her family. She received her Ph.D. in Comparative Literature at University of California San Diego (UCSD), San Diego, CA. She published her Ph.D. dissertation “Forgetting the Forgetfulness: (Dis)remembering the Coloniality of the Portuguese and Spanish Dictatorships” under the supervision of authority scholars Dr. Luis Martín-Cabrera, Dr. John Blanco, Dr. Fatima El-Tayeb, Dr. Pamela Radcliff, among others.

Cindy Pinhal’s research interests include Portuguese and Spanish Literatures and Cultural Studies, Iberian dictatorships, (Post)colonial and decolonial studies, politics of memory and knowledge, race and queer theories and modern European immigration studies. She has taught in higher education for over a decade on Spanish, French and Portuguese languages and literatures. She is currently working on publishing a book expanding from her dissertation. She is also the recipient of the Faculty Guild fellowship for Spring 2020.

Publications (Iberian related)

“Forgetting the Forgetfulness: (Dis)remembering the Coloniality of the Portuguese and Spanish Dictatorships.” 2017. Permalink

“Queering the Politics of Memory of the Spanish Civil War.” Revisiting Centres and Peripheries in Iberian Studies: Historical Processes, Social Change and Cultural Representations, edited by Mark Gant, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2019, pp.58-65.

“Francoist Cinema: Orienting the Orient.” New Journeys in Iberian Studies: A (Trans-)National and (Trans-)Regional Exploration, edited by Mark Gant, Anneliese Hatton and Paco Ruzzante, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2018, pp. 106-115.

“Decolonizing Identity and Nation In a (Post)migrant Europe: “Luso-Africans” (Im)possible Subjects.” (forthcoming).


Interviewee by Oriana Pataco, Dir., “Bairradinos no mundo,” Jornal da Bairrada. Oliveira do Bairro, Portugal. February 2018.

-Institutional and State Service:

Ethics and Integrity Working Group Member, Middle States Commission on Higher Education (MSCHE) decennial accreditation Self-Study. SUNY, New York. 2019-current.

Invited Judge, STEM 2019 Diversity Summit (Farmingdale State College SUNY, New York).

Supervisor, Bachelor’s degree Capstone Research, California State University Northridge (CSUN), CA. 2018

Duarte, David

Duarte, DavidDavid Duarte holds a PhD in Philosophy obtained at the University Jean Moulin Lyon 3 – France. His research is mainly developed in the fields of Political Philosophy, Cultural Philosophy, and History of Ideas and questions the relevance of cultural imaginaries to the making of political communities. On this subject, he has published “Le récit de l’Europe: pour un imaginaire politique européen” (2017).

He is currently focusing his research on the Portuguese representations of the Iberian Peninsula understood as a political and cultural entity. He has notably co-edited the volume “Catalonia, Iberia, and Europe” (2019) and is developing a research project on how Portuguese media have been representing the Catalan crisis. He taught Political Philosophy and Political Science in France and is collaborating, as invited speaker, with the Department of English, German and Romance Studies of the University of Copenhagen on modules and seminars related to Iberian cultures and history.

Publications (Iberian related)

Catalonia, Iberia and Europe. Eds. David Duarte and Giangiacomo Vale. Rome: Aracne Editrice, 2019, 360 pages.

“A receção da crise catalã na imprensa portuguesa”. In Catalonia, Iberia and Europe. Eds. David Duarte and Giangiacomo Vale. Rome: Aracne Editrice, 2019, 227-258.

Le récit de l’Europe: pour un imaginaire politique européen. Paris: L’Harmattan, 2017, 268 pages.


Rendeiro, Margarida

Rendeiro, MargaridaMargarida Rendeiro currently works as an Assistant Professor at Lusíada University of Lisbon, and is a research fellow at CHAM (Centre for the Humanities), FCSH-NOVA Lisbon. She has conducted Post-Doctoral Research at CHAM  with a project entitled “Memory and Utopia in Portugal after 1974: The Heirs of the Revolution of April”.  She is a member of the Editorial Board of Práticas da História: Journal on Theory, Historiography and Uses of the Past. She has a PhD in Portuguese Studies (King’s College, 2008). Her research interests broach questions of contemporary Portuguese literature and cultures, identities and utopias.

Publications (Iberian related)


  • Rendeiro, M e Lupati, F. (orgs.) (2019). Challenging Memories and Rebuilding Identities: Literary and Artistic Voices that undo the Lusophone Atlantic. New York: Routledge. ISBN: 978-0-429-32638-7 (ebk); ISBN: 978-0-367-33844-2 (hbk: 2020) DOI: 10.4324/9780429326387-7
  • Rendeiro, M (2010). The Literary Institution in Portugal: An Analysis under special consideration of the Publishing Market, Peter Lang, Bern, Berlin, Bruxelles, Frankfurt am Main, New York, Oxford, Wien, 394 pp., num. tables and graphs, ISBN 978-3-0343-0050-6 pb.  (Soft cover), ISBN 978-3-0351-0067-9 (ebk)

Book Chapters:

  • Rendeiro, M. (2020). “Innovating the City Center from the Margins in Lisboa no ano 2000”. in Monteiro, Maria do Rosário, Kong, Mário S. Ming and Neto, Maria João Pereira (Eds).Proceedings of the 6th International Multidisciplinary Congress (PHI 2020): Tradition and Innovation. London: CRC Press (forthcoming)
  • Rendeiro, M. (2020). “Uma Leitura de “Tanto Mar” (1975, 1978) e de Meu Caro Amigo Chico(2012): Utopia num Diálogo entre Amigos sobre a Revolução”. «A Volta ao Mundo em 40 Anos» Encontros e reencontros em língua portuguesa. Instituto de Estudos Ibéricos e Ibero-Americanos da Universidade de Varsóvia, Biblioteka Iberyjska. E-book (forthcoming)
  • Rendeiro, M. (2020). “Alunagem, Novo Espaço-Fronteira e Falência do Corpo em “Efemérides” (1999) e de “A síndroma de Abraão” (2009) de João Barreiros”. E-book (forthcoming)
  • Rendeiro, M. (2020) “Soy un escritor ibérico antes que europeo: José Saramago: A Case of Publishing Iberian Success”. In Gant, Mark & Relvas, Susana (Org). Iberian Studies: Transcultural Spaces and Identities. Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing (forthcoming)
  • Rendeiro, M. (2019) “Streets of Revolution: Analysing Representations of the Carnation Revolution in Street Art”. In Rendeiro, M e Lupati, F. (orgs.) (2019). Challenging Memories and Rebuilding Identities: Literary and Artistic Voices that undo the Lusophone Atlantic. New York: Routledge
  • Rendeiro, M. (2019). “A Revolução está na Rua: uma análise de representações do 25 de abril de 1974 os Murais do Século XXI” in Alonso, Cláudia Pazos, Russo, Vicenzo, Vecchi, Roberto e Ascenso, Carlos André (orgs.). De Oriente a Ocidente: Estudos da Associação Internacional de Lusitanistas. Vol. II: Sobre Portugal. Coimbra: AIL e Ângelus Novus, 209-338, ISBN: 978-972-8827-93-9
  • Rendeiro, M. (2019). “Intelligence for Obedience and Creativity for Subversion: Reading António Ladeira’s Os Monociclistas (2018) and Seis Drones (2018)” in Monteiro, Maria do Rosário, Kong, Mário S. Ming and Neto, Maria João Pereira (Eds). Proceedings of the 5th International Multidisciplinary Congress (PHI 2019): Intelligence, Creativity and Fantasy, October 7-9, 2019, Maison de la Recherche, Sorbonne Nouvelle, London: CRC Press, DOI 10.1201/9780429297755
  • Rendeiro, M. (2018). “April in Fantasy: Polyphonic Memories of the Revolution” in Monteiro, Maria do Rosário, Kong, Mário S. Ming and Neto, Maria João Pereira (Eds). Proceedings of the 4th International Multidisciplinary Congress (PHI 2018): Modernity: Frontiers and Revolutions, October 3-6, 2018, S. Miguel, Azores, Portugal, London: CRC Press, 313-319, Doi: 10.1201/978042939983
  • Rendeiro, M. (2016). “Guardiões de Sucessos Literários: Uma abordagem aos fatores que determinam o sucesso do romance: o caso de José Saramago e José Luís Peixoto” in Macedo, Ana Gabriela, Brugioni, Elena, e Passos, Joana (org.) Prémios Literários. O Poder das Narrativas/ As Narrativas do Poder. Editora Afrontamento, Porto, 147-160.


  • Rendeiro, M. (2020). “Da Desumanização à Criação, A Revolução no Antropoceno em A Nossa Alegria Chegou (2018) de Alexandra Lucas Coelho”. Veredas (aceite para publicação)
  • Rendeiro, M. (2018).” Revolutions negotiated in Portuguese Songwriting and Performance”. The Portuguese Journal of Social Science, 17 (3), 278-288. DOI: 10.1386/pjss.17.3.273_1.
  • Rendeiro, M. (2018). “Masculinities on the Wall: An approach to mural representations of the Carnation Revolution in Lisbon”. Humanities Bulletin, vol. 1 No. 1, 179-196, ISSN 2517-4266

Pazos-Justo, Carlos

Pazos-Justo, CarlosCarlos Pazos-Justo is a researcher at the Galabra-UMinho Group of the Centre for Humanistic Studies at the University of Minho. PhD. in Cultural Sciences, he is a member of the Department of Romance Studies at UMinho, where he coordinates the Centre for Galician Studies. His main lines of research include social and cultural relations in the Iberian context.

Publications (Iberian related)


Pazos-Justo, C. (2021). Alfredo Guisado. Xented’aAldea e outros textos das orixes. Ponteareas: Concello de Ponteareas.

Samartim, R. & Pazos-Justo, C. (Eds.) (2019). Portugal e(m) nós. Contributos para a compreensão do relacionamento cultural galego-português. Braga: CEHUM/GET.

Pazos-Justo, C. (2016). A imagem da Galiza em Portugal. De João de Redondella a Os Galegos são nossos irmãos. Santiago de Compostela: Através Editora.

Pazos Justo, C. (2015). Relações culturais intersistémicas no espaço ibérico. O caso da trajetória de Alfredo Guisado (1910-1930). Vilanova de Famalicão: CEHUM/Consello da Cultura Galega


Freitas, D., Pazos-Justo, C. & Samartim, R. (2021). Perceção e Realidade dos Impactos do Caminho Português Interior a Santiago na atividade comercial da cidade de Chaves: Análise sobre parâmetros da economia, a interação, a identidade local e as políticas públicas. ROTUR, Revista de Ocio y Turismo, Vol. 15(1): pp. 59-77.

Samartim, R. & Pazos-Justo, C. (2020). Impactos dos Caminhos na comunidade local de Santiago de Compostela: Resultados de um projeto de investigação em curso. Madrygal. Revista de Estudios Gallegos, 23 Núm. Especial: 307-322.

Pazos-Justo, C., Del Río, M. & Samartim, R. (2018). Reinventio e unanimidade. Impacto das políticas culturais e turísticas na Comunidade local de Santiago de Compostela. SÉMATA, Ciencias Sociais e Humanidades, 2018, vol. 30: 233-256.

Pazos Justo, C. (2012). Galegos, galego-portugueses ou espanhóis? Hipóteses e contributos para a análise das origens e funções da imagem atual da Galiza e dos galegos em Portugal, Diacrítica, 26/2: 431-443.

Pazos Justo, C. (2011). A imagem da Galiza e dos galegos em Portugal entre fins do século XIX e primeiras décadas do XX: do imagotipo negativo ao imagotipo de afinidade. Veredas. Revista da Associação Internacional de Lusitanistas, 16: 39-69.

Pazos Justo, C. (2008). A Jangada de Pedra de José Saramago: repertório e sistema interliterário ibérica. Diacrítica, 22/23: 197-209.



Pazos-Justo, C. (2021). Os lisboanos e o galeguismo nas primeiras décadas do século XX. In Ramón Villares, Xosé M. Núñez Seixas &RamónMáiz (Eds.),As Irmandades da Fala no seu tempo: perspectivas cruzadas (pp. 459-486). Santiago de Compostela: Consello da Cultura Galega.

Pazos-Justo, C. (2021). La emigración española en Portugal a través de su prensa. La España Moderna (1908), España y Portugal (1913) e Hispania (1924). In Juan Pedro Martín Villarreal & Marta García Caba (Coords.), Frontera sur. Voces y relatos en los márgenes (pp. 85-103). Gijón: TREA.

Pazos-Justo, C. (2019). Confluências e ruídos. Contributos para o entendimento das relações culturais galego-portuguesas na atualidade. In R. Samartim & C. Pazos-Justo (Eds.), Portugal e(m) nós. Contributos para a compreensão do relacionamento cultural galego-português (pp. 189-207). Braga: CEHUM/GET.

Pazos Justo, C. (2014). Imagen de España y los españoles en Portugal: reflexiones para el ámbito ELE. In Eduardo Tobar (ed.). El español como lengua extranjera en Portugal: retos de la enseñanza de lenguas cercanas. Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte.

Kelly, Deirdre

Kelly, DeirdreDeirdre Kelly is a Lecturer in Spanish in Language Studies, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, in Technological University Dublin. She joined TU Dublin in 2016, after completing a PhD in Trinity College, Dublin, where she also taught.

Her research areas include: twentieth- and twenty-first-century Spanish literature; Rosa Montero and other contemporary Spanish authors; Spanish women’s writing; Spanish life writing; contemporary Spanish graphic novels; memory debates in contemporary Spain; and Spain and the Holocaust. She is currently completing a monograph on Rosa Montero’s life writing. Deirdre’s other main research project focuses on representations of Spanish Republicans in Nazi concentration camps in contemporary Spanish graphic novels.

Deirdre was the co-editor of the Open Forum of the International Journal of Iberian Studies from 2017 to 2023 and a regular contributing editor to The Year’s Work in Modern Language Studies. Since 2024, Deirdre has served as co-editor of the International Journal of Iberian Studies. Deirdre is a Board Member and the the Electronic Communications Officer for the Association for Contemporary Iberian Studies.

Publications (Iberian related)

Book Chapters

“Characterization and the aesthetic representation of violence in the graphic novel Esperaré siempre tu regreso, by Jordi Peidro”. Memory, Transition, and Transnationalism in Iberia. Eds. Mark Gant, Susana Rocha Relvas and Sian Edwards. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2023

“Bearing Witness. The representation of Francesc Boix in Lea Vélez’s El jardín de la memoria”. Revisiting Centres and Peripheries in Iberian Studies: Historical Processes, Social Change and Cultural Representations. Ed. Mark Gant. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2019.

“Aesth/Ethics of distance: (Un)Veiling grief in Rosa Montero’s La ridícula idea de no volver a verte”. New Journeys in Iberian Studies: A (Trans-)National and (Trans-)Regional Exploration. Eds. Mark Gant, Anneliese Hutton and Paco Ruzzante. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2018.


“Spanish Studies: Literature, 1975 to Present Day”. The Year’s Work in Modern Language Studies. Double article covering 2020 and 2021. Vol. 83, 2023.

“How Ireland and Argentina have dealt with violence against women”. RTE Brainstorm. November 2022.

“Spain’s historical debt to Western Sahara: An interview with Eoghan Gilmartin”. Open Forum. International Journal of Iberian Studies. Vol. 35.2, 2022.

“Interview with Rosa Montero”. Open Forum. International Journal of Iberian Studies. Vol. 34.3, 2021.

“Spanish Studies: Literature, 1975 to Present Day”. The Year’s Work in Modern Language Studies. Double article covering 2018 and 2019. Vol. 81, 2021.

“Spanish Studies: Literature, 1975 to Present Day”. The Year’s Work in Modern Language Studies. Double article covering 2016 and 2017. Vol. 79, 2019.

“Looking death in the ‘I’: Rosa Montero’s La función Delta as Autothanatography”. Journal of Romance Studies 9 (1): 31-45. May 2009. Peer-reviewed publication.

Marcillas-Piquer, Isabel

Marcillas-Piquer, IsabelIsabel Marcillas-Piquer is a professor in the Department of Catalan Philology at the University of Alicante. Specialist in Contemporary Catalan Literature, she has concentrated her research on the recovery of women’s voices through literature. At first, she focused her studies on the work of Aurora Bertrana, to whom she dedicated her doctoral thesis (carried out with a C.FPU-UA scholarship), detailing with emphasis the literature derived from her trips and comparing it with other European travelers. What is more, the exile and experiences that this writer went through also formed an important part of her studies. After this first stream of work, she reoriented her research towards two main axes: 1) Contemporary dramatic literature in Catalan, written by women and 2) Democratic memory from the literary production of women. Likewise, the researcher incorporates into her studies the analysis of otherness through current literary production, especially in the Catalan language. She is part of the Instituto Universitario de Investigación de Estudios de Género (IUIEG) of the Alicante University at the Red Internacional de InvestigadoresTeatralesLatinoamericanos y Europeos (RIITLE).
Universidad de Alicante


Publications (Iberian-related)

Recent publications

Marcillas-Piquer, I. (2022). Dramaturgues catalanes. Ètiques i estètiques. Berlin: Peter Lang GmbH.ISBN 978-3-631-89363-0. DOI 10.3726/B20395

Marcillas-Piquer, I. Srategies for Comedy in Plays byContemporary Catalan Women. En John London& Gabriel Sansano (Eds.), ActingFunny on the Catalan Stage. Peter Lang, 2022. IberianandLatin American Studies: The Arts, LiteratureandIdentity, Vol. 11. ISBN 978-1-78707-322-7.

Marcillas Piquer, I.Writingaboutthemargins, writingfromthemargins: Thedramaturgy of Helena Tornero. En Carles Cortés (Coord.), Images of Otherness. pp. 141 – 156. PETER LANG GMBH, 2022. Colección Romania Viva, 40. ISBN 978-3-631-86565-1. DOI: 10.3726/b18941.

Marcillas Piquer, I (2018). Veus de frontera: Els altres catalans d‘ara. Revista Internacional de Filologia. 65, pp. 177–189. ISSN 0214-8188. DOI: 10.7203/Caplletra.65.12618

Boan, Xosé P.

Boan, Xosé P.Xosé P. Boán is an Assistant Professor in Iberian Studies at the University of Limerick (Ireland) and the BA in European Studies course director. His research interests comprise narratives of memory, crises, nonwork and Iberism, with a focus on film, essay and comic. He earned his PhD at Tulane University (2017, New Orleans) and previously taught at Rhodes College in Memphis and at the State University of New York, Oswego. Xosé is the co-editor of Netflix’ Spain: Critical Perspectives (Routledge, 2023) and his scholarly work has appeared in venues such as Journal of Comic Studies (2021), Quarterly Review of Film and Video (2020), Romance Studies (2019), Transitions: Journal of Franco-Iberian Studies (2018), Revista de Estudios Hispánicos (2018) and Variaciones Borges (2016).

Filomena Antunes Sobral

Filomena Antunes SobralFilomena Antunes Sobral has conducted Post-Doctoral Research at CECC (Research Centre for Communication and Culture) with a project entitled “Our Consul in Havana: Eça de Queiroz remembered in the collective memory through television fiction”. She holds a Ph.D in Cinema and Audiovisual, MA in Sound and Image (screenwriting) and BA in Communication Sciences. She teaches at the Art Department from the Polytechnic of Viseu, action field: Arts and Communication Sciences – cinema, television, and other audiovisual media. Her research takes place at the CECC from the Portuguese Catholic University and at the Center for Studies in Education and Innovation (CI&DEI). She is the author of two books: How to write a screenplay (2008) and The adaptations of Eça de Queiroz’ novels to the small screen (2016). Her research interests include cinema and audiovisual (fiction and literary adaptation for cinema and television). In 2016 she was awarded the literary prize from the Eça de Queiroz Foundation.





Tartabini, V.

Veronica Tartabini is PhD scholar in Hispanic Studies from the Autonomous University of Madrid (Spain). She is Stirling Maxwell Fellow awarded by the University of Glasgow (UK). She taught History of Spanish and Ibero-American Thought at the UAM Faculty of Arts. During her academic path, she obtained a Bachelor’s Degree in philosophy and a Master’s Degree in Philosophical Sciences at the University of RomaTre (Italy) with two theses on María Zambrano. In 2018, she was able to carry out an internship as a librarian at the Royal Academy of Spain in Rome (Italy) that opened her international research activity. She has also been part of the Research Project Narrativas en transición: filosofía, literatura y ciencias sociales hacia la construcción de un Estado democrático, attached to the Department of Social Anthropology and Spanish Philosophical Thought at the Autonomous University of Madrid. Currently, she participates in the Project Reflexiones filosóficas España-México: La justicia y sus prácticas contemporáneas, whose academic entity of affiliation is the Faculty of Higher Studies Acatlán UNAM (Mexico). She has given lectures at international seminars and congresses in Spain, Italy, Switzerland, Czech Republic, Mexico and Puerto Rico. In addition to being a member of the Association for Contemporary Iberian Studies (ACIS), she is a member of the Asociación de Hispanismo Filosófico. She has collaborated with the Rivista Internazionale Storia della Storiografia (Università degli Studi di Trieste, Italy); with the Revista Valenciana Estudios de Filosofía y Letras (University of Guanajuato, Mexico); and with the Review Qeios (London, UK).

Publications (Iberian related)

Book chapters:

Tartabini, Veronica, (2024), “Concepire la mistica in chiave filosofica. Antecedenti e conseguenze del Concilio Vaticano II”, in Motta, Anna &  Palumbo, Lidia (a cura di), Le parole della filosofia. Le metamorfosi del vocabolario del pensiero nella storia, Napoli, FedOAPress, pp. 391-396, ISBN: 978-88-6887-225-0, DOI:

López Forjas, Manuel & Tartabini, Veronica, (2024), “The Political Peace of Luis Vives and the Religious Peace of Pico della Mirandola: Philosophical Perspectives Between Italy and Spain”, in Battista, Ludovico, Fallica, Maria & Tramontano, Beatrice, in Narratives of Peace in Religious Discourses Perspectives from Europe and the Mediterranean in the Early Modern Era, Sheffield, Equinox, pp. 59-89, ISBN 9781800503892 (eBook), available online:, https://www.doi:10.1558/equinox.44437

Tartabini, Veronica, (2023), “Giovanni Pico della Mirandola: El príncipe filósofo, mediador entre Humanismo y Carmelo Reformado” in Miranda Menacho, Vera Cruz (Coord.), La imagen del príncipe entre la Edad Media y el Renacimiento: nuevos enfoques, Madrid, Sílex, pp. 69-105, ISBN 978-84-19077-81-3

Tartabini, Veronica, (2023), “Juan Bautista de Lezana y Francisco de Santa María: reforma del Carmelo y mística en dos historiadores del siglo XVII”, in Sánchez Jiménez, Antonio, López Lorenzo, Cipriano, Sáez, Adrián J. & Salas, José Antonio (Eds.), La actualidad de los estudios de Siglo de Oro, Kassel, Edition Reichenberger, Hortus digitalis 1, pp. 240-246, available online:, ISBN: 978-3-967280-49-4, DOI: 10.59010/9783967280494_022

Tartabini, Veronica, (2022), “Teresa de Ávila y Rosa Rossi entre Humanismo y Comunismo. La dignidad de la mujer moderna desde la ladera del feminismo contemporáneo”, in Zavala Silva, María Guadalupe (Dir.), Jesús Villaseñor Leal Teresa de & Tena Dávalos, Jimena (Coords.), Cultura, educación y magisterio en la lectura y escritura de mujeres doctas de los siglos XVI y XVII, México, Universidad Pedagógica Nacional/Silla vacía Editorial, pp. 71-111 ISBN: 978-607-99838-7-1


Tartabini, Veronica, (2022), “Pico della Mirandola y Santa Teresa: el camino compartido del Humanismo”, in The Conversation. Academic rigour, journalistic flair, e-ISSN: 2201-5639: available online:

Tartabini, Veronica, (2021), “Rendere eterno l’istante. Misticismo e realismo nel Velázquez di José Ortega y Gasset e María Zambrano”, in B@belonline, N.º 8, e-ISSN: 2531-8624, pp. 339-355,

Tartabini, Veronica, (2021), Verso un sapere sul sacro: dal misticismo spagnolo alla ragione poetica”, en Monográfico sobre María Zambrano, Bajo Palabra. Revista de Filosofía, N.º 25, e-ISSN: 1887-505X, PrintISSN: 1576-3935, pp. 251-272,



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